Aim of the Project
The main aim of the present project is to set the scientific basis, objective criteria and optimized technological parameters for the development of an innovative food production strategy and technology in order to assure the production of foods from regional sources with higher added value for sellers and, last but not least, with modified – improved functional properties with positive influence on human wellbeing. To meet these targets, the exact monitoring, study, analysis and modification of both, growing conditions of selected plants/crops and their subsequent technological processing into semi-finished products utilized in food industry or final food products will be performed.
3rd Project brochure - Benefits of the Project ... already issued!
22/01/2013 20:18Photo sequence from the project closing events
20/12/2012 12:09Last part of the model test production line is already installed - the unit is completed
15/12/2012 10:30Closing conference of the project
09/12/2012 07:06Project conference in Mosonmagyaróvár, December 6, 2012
01/12/2012 09:44Set of 4 DVDs about the project
16/10/2012 10:20Video spot from the presentation of model test production unit - Lehnice, September 26,2012
30/09/2012 10:13Model test production unit is practically completed !
26/09/2012 16:456th Project status evaluation day - Lehnice
21/09/2012 06:42Project conference during Agrokomplex 2012 exhibition, August 24, 2012
18/08/2012 08:30